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Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

Underwater Diving Scene
Underwater Diving Scene

​You’re a Christian woman.
You want to bust stress,
and cultivate calm and contentment.

My eBook blends proven neuroscience and biblical principles to

build your mental fitness—without vague theories or mystical fluff.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Four simple practices to renew your mind.

  • My story of how I used these practices to transform

stress into peace when Prince was dognapped.

Enter your details below to preorder your free copy.

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Preorder your free copy of my E-Book

Positive Intelligence

Mental fitness using Shirzad Chamine's Positive Intelligence®. Choose between a 8-week Mind Renewal Package or a programme designed especially for Christians.

Increase your contentment. Reduce your stress.

Improve your performance

and your relationships.


Connect via Zoom for: Transformational Coaching for International Women Leaders

or Group Coaching.


Free discovery session.


Coaching Training

20,000 Christian leaders from 350 organisations have already been trained in Dr Keith Webb's COACH model.

Six day online training 

starting 11th June 2024

14:00 - 17:00 BST


About Lesley Rappillard

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Trois mots importants pour moi : Connexion, Eclairage et Transformation. J’aime rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et créer pour elles un contexte favorable à l’apprentissage. Depuis 2016, je coache des femmes internationales, les aidant à voir plus clair, à vivre leur vocation et à atteindre leurs objectifs.
Depuis 2019, je forme d'autres personnes à utiliser des outils de coaching et à devenir des coachs professionnels.

Three important words for me: Connection, Illumination and Transformation. I love meeting new people and creating a supportive learning environment for them. Since 2016, I've been coaching international women, bringing them clarity and empowering them to live out their calling and achieve their goals.
I've been training others to use coaching tools and become professional coaches since 2019.

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